NO. 2. 2005 Mironivka quaternary loess-paleosoil sequence along the Azov shore. Preservation of the Geological Heritage of Ukraine: new steps towards the creation of a database of geosites Volodymyr Manyuk, Dnipropetrovsk National University, K.Marx, 36, Dnipropetrovsk, 49044, Ukraine. E-mail: In 2003 the State Geological Service of Ukraine made an attempt to estimate the geological heritage of the country. During one field season, from the beginning of May up to the end of September the incorporated efforts of the regional representatives of the Geological Service carried out field work to study the natural geological monuments throughout Ukraine. It is an increasingly active movement for creating a national ecological network in Ukraine, and a major component in this work is linked to the nation’s geological heritage and geoconservation. Thanks to the financial support of the State Geological enterprise "Pivdenukrgeology", objects of geological heritage of six regions of Ukraine have been investigated. The investigated area, which makes up 25 % of the country, is located in the structural – tectonic relation within the limits of the Ukrainian shields, Dnieper- Donetsk and Prechernomorian depressions and the Donetsk folded structure of the Hercynides. Before the beginning of, and during the period of field research a significant amount of work was done towards obtaining archival data which most fully described the history of each object of geological heritage and its scientific value. NO. 2. 2005 2 The purpose of the work was to identify geosites deserving preservation as well as existing objects, having protected status. An evaluation of the condition of each of the monuments was carried out including the degree of their safety, a detailed description of objects of its contribution to geological heritage (under the draft format offered in 1998 Johansson C.E. et al.), survey control and stratigraphy. A photographic documentation was also carried out and rock, minerals and fossil samples was collected for documentation. 131 geosites of high quality were identified during the field work. Of these about 50 have the official status of protected natural objects in one way or another: geological monuments of local and state importance, landscape and geological reserves and part of nature reserves ("Atlas of Objects of Nature-Reserve Fund of Ukraine " 2003). According to standard classification of geosites in Ukraine 26 geosites was stratigraphic, 20 paleontological, 2 geochronological, 19 petrographic, 4 mineralogical, 6 tectonic, 19 geomorphologic, 3 karstic, 5 glaciological, 5 sediment-litological, 13 geoeconomic, 4 volcanic and 5 geocultural. A book, „Natural Geological Monuments of Ukraine” is under preparation for publication and a computer databank of all geosites of Ukraine is proceeding. Besides providing basic geological information, the database, with the purpose of popularizing the geological heritage and its potential for tourism, will also be filled with information on objects of cultural heritage. A number of objects are considered as suitable for the creation of geoparks. First of all : • the unique outcrops of Proterozoic rocks containing rich iron ores of the Krivorozhskian deposit on the river Inguletc; • picturesque outcrops of Archean granitoids, • Devonian and Carboniferous limestones, • basalt intrusions with spherical and columnar structures such as " The Giants Causeway " in Cultural and geological heritage. Keleberda granitic rocks along the banks of the Dnepr. The natural geological monument “Eagles nest” by the river Ingulets in Kryviy Rig. NO. 2. 2005 3 Gigantic stone “Giant” at the “Grave-stones” reserve. The forms of weathering in the granitic rocks of the “Grave-stones” reserve the valley of the river Kalmius in the south of Donetsk region; • Isachkovskian salt-dome structure (diapir), fragments of which it is possible to see in abandoned quarries in Poltava region (basalts, tuff-breccias, diabasis, dolerites, tuffconglomerates of Devonian, limestones of Carboniferous); • Granite massive " Stone tombs " in the Priasovian block of the Ukrainian shield, with surprising forms of weathered rocks of the Proterozoic Kamennomogilskian complex. In Dnipropetrovsk National University, the creation of a geological museum is planned. It will include an exhibition „Preservation of natural geological monuments of Ukraine”. A display of samples of minerals, rocks and fossils collected in the course of field work and a description of the basic geosites will be included in the museum together with the illustrative materials describing basic objects of geological heritage such as geological maps, geologic sections, photos, a slide - show, educational films etc. NO. 2. 2005 4 ProGEO Membership 2005 For you who have not yet renewed your subscription, please notice that it is due time to do so. Please inform the Treasurer about your subscription intentions, either personally or via the national representative. If you are uncertain about your payment status you are very welcome to contact us. In order to reduce the administration no individual invoices are sent out since 2003, except on request and to all institutional members. For the same reason we have abandoned issuing member cards in favour of ordinary receipts upon payment occasion. The fees are the same as before: individuals pay 25 Euro and institutional members 150 Euro, if no other agreements have been made. (Members from many former Soviet countries are currently exempted from payment (annual member registration is required) or may pay full or reduced subscriptions.) If you by any reason have difficulties with the bank transfer, then please contact the Treasurer for optional arrangements. Unfortunately we are still not able to accept credit card payments because of high charges. Payment instructions: Please remember to state name and member year. Payment to ProGEO should be transferred to IBAN: SE81 8000 0838 1697 3296 5174 Swiftcode: SWEDSESS If additional information is required, the address is: SWEDBANK, SE-105 34 Stockholm It is recommended to inform the Treasurer by email (see address below). Joining ProGEO To join, please write to or e-mail to the Executive Secretary and include a signed member application form. This and all necessary information is found on the ProGEO subpage Join ProGEO ( If you have any further questions about payment, please contact me at Gunnel Ransed Treasurer Natural and Cultural Landscapes, The Geological Foundation Proceedings of a conference, 9-11 September 2002, Dublin Castle, Ireland Edited by Matthew Parkes Conference Sponsors: Royal Irish Academy; Geological Survey of Ireland; Geological Survey of Northern Ireland >; The Heritage Council; DEPFA BANK. The conference was organised in association with ProGEO, UNESCO, IUGS, European Geoparks and the Environment and Heritage Service . EUR 20.00 / USD 25.00/ GBP 15.00 (including postage), ISBN 1-904890-00-8 There are a limited of copies available free to ProGEO members who might not easily be able to order one. Please contact Matthew Parkes ( NO. 2. 2005 5 “ Ten years geological heritage in SE Europe” ProGEO WG-1 subregional meeting & field trips Tirana, Albania, May 12-17, 2005 ProGEO-Albania/Afat Serjani E-mail: The meeting was organized by ProGEO-Albania (Union of Albanian Geologists for Geoscience Heritage) in collaboration with Academy of Sciences of Albania and Geological Survey of Albania (GSA) according to the objectives determined in August last year as included in the First Circular distributed during the International Geological Congress in Florence, Italy (20-28, August, 2004). The reception was dedicated to the celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of ProGEO WG-1 SE European countries and was held on May 12 at 2000, exactly ten years after the Bransko, Bulgaria Declaration and Resolution, signed on May 1995) in Vila Nr. 31, “Pjeter Bogdani” Str. Representatives from Bulgaria, Serbia and Monte Negro, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Italy, Russia participated together with the Executive Secretary of Pro- GEO. From Albania were also invited representatives from ministries, Academy of Sciences of Albania, from GSA and the Geological Research Institute etc. Greetings speeches where held by Prof. Dr. Afat Serjani, Prof. Dr. Ivan Zagorchev and Dr. Dusan Mijovic. ProGEO Participants of excursion together with a group of students of Gjirokastra University Foto A. Serjani. NO. 2. 2005 6 The scientific sessions were held in the conference hall of the Academy of Sciences of Albania. The following papers was presented: • Afat SERJANI, Adil NEZIRAJ & Halil HALLAÇI: Ten Years Geological Heritage Conservation in Albania • Galiba SIJARIC: Situation Regarding Protection of Geological Heritage in BH in the last 10 years • Radoslav NAKOV and Todor TODOROV: Ten years ProGEO-Bulgaria – results and tasks in the frame of the Nature Protection in the Country • Irini THEODOSSIOU-DRANDAKI: Geological Heritage Conservation in Greece during last ten years (since the foundation of ProGEO WG-1) • Dušan MIJOVIC: The Framework of the Geological Heritage Conservation activities in Serbia and Montenegro (1995-2005) • Branka HLAD: Geological Heritage, ten years from Sofia to Tirana - minutes from Slovenia • Alexandru ANDRASANU: Integration of geodiversity, biodiversity and local development • Fuat SAROGLU, Nizamettin KAZANCI, Hulya INANAER: Last Ten years of Geoheritage in Turkey • Ivan ZAGORCHEV: Planet Earth and Balkan “mountains of fire”: Geological Heritage and European diversity • Nizamettin KAZANCI, Ediz KIRMAN, Fatih UYSAL, Sonay BOYRAZ: Sedimentary responses of different lakes to semi-arid climate and their roles on development of geosites in Turkey • Arben PAMBUKU, Hamdi BESHKU, Halil HALLAÇI: Karavasta lagoon as a geomonument protected by Ramsar Convention 20 poster presentations were also included in the program covering issues from Albania, Russia, Serbia and Monte Negro, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Kosovo. Two field trips were organized: • A southern geotour from Tirana to Saranda and Butriniti archeological site was lead by Afat Serjani & Halil Hallaci. It included the Tirana coal basin, Ndroqi stratigraphical section of molasses, Kavaja Rock, Marinza oil deposit, Greshica transgression, Memaliaj coal basin, Participants of field trip in the last stop: Komani tectonical-structural site, May 17, 2005. Foto: A. Serjani NO. 2. 2005 7 Kelcyra geotourist spot, Viroi artesian spring, Mali Gjere section and Muzina Pass, “Blue Eyes” springs, Llogara regional geosite (contact between African and Eurasian Plates) and Llogara national Park - Pashaliman Lagoon • A northern geotour from Tirana to Shkodra up to Komani north and back. (Leaders Adil Neziraj & Ibrahim Milushi) visited the Spiteni condensed section- Lezha historic town - Shkodra City (Rozafa castle watch point) - Vau Dejes – Karma pillow lavas and Komani tectonical- structural regional geosite Working Group meetings were held on the following topics: • ProGEO Strategy and concrete state-of-art in every SE Europe country. • State of the inventories of geological sites in each country of SE Europe • Portugal Symposium and proposal for the next meeting of WG-1. • Geological Heritage Conservation and Education, present state and program • Consolidation of ProGEO National Groups in every country improving mutual working contacts and activities especially between neighboring countries of SE Europe. Some of the main values of this meeting: • ProGEO WG-1 SE Europe Meeting testified clearly: The European Association for the Geological Heritage Conservation, which is dealing with one of the most important problems of European countries is going to be wider and stronger step by step. The questions of knowledge, management and protection of natural monuments and geosites in Balkan countries are treated in state institutions and by non government organizations. • The celebration of Tenth Anniversary of WG-1 was a good example for other working groups of ProGEO. • The organization of oral and poster scientific sessions with level of preparation and good level of organization testify about new achievements in scientific field and in modern mode of presentation. Both sessions were visited by a lot of Albanian specialists of geology, geography, geomorphologists, etc. • The field trips with their perfect organization gave to all foreign participants, who were for the first time in Albania the possibility to see rare natural monuments and interesting geology of Albania. The same we can say for the Albanian participants. • Good organization of the meeting and the stability of our country were seen clearly during this long activity all over Albania. During these days nobody had any trouble. All participants were feeling very good and pleasant. • The solidarity and social integration of all participants was seen clearly during reception, sessions and field trips. Between the Balkan countries are going to establish new reports and nowadays relations including here correct relations between participants from Serbia and Kosovo. Finally in this report we would like to repeat again our cordial thanks to all participants and to them, who supported this international Meeting. From the webmaster Dear members, Summer is slowly but surely finding its way to my latitudes, but I am sure the rest of you have enjoyed the warmth for some time now. It is now June and so far (this year) I have spent most of my ProGEO time assisting our Treasurer Gunnel Ransed with membership issues. The rest of my time I have tried to keep the web site up-to-date, but have not been able to make other efforts. There are suggestions of changes proposed for the site, and as the Webmaster of ProGEO I am looking forward to have the time to do a bit of ”home improvement”. After the Braga meeting I will start to update some pages and functions. I write to let you know this, and secondly to ask you to start to change the web site by contributing! If you know any other geoconservation organisations (or ProGEO national group that are not on the Links page!), please send that link to me. Organisations, museums, authorities and other bodies involved in geoconservation should of course be represented on our Links page. I have some links already, just waiting for the right group to be put in. When principal changes are made I will let you know of course. Best wishes Sven Lundqvist Webmaster NO. 2. 2005 8 Deadline for the next issue of ProGEO NEWS: 01.10.2005 SUMMER SCHOOLPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM TITLE : « Geological and Palaeontological Heritage: Retrieval, Conservation, Management and Display » The postgraduate course of Museum Studies of the University of Athens in collaboration with the Technological Institute of Athens organizes an intensive course on a range of subjects related to Geological and Palaeontological Heritage and Monuments. The course is aimed at providing an overall outlook of Geological Heritage in an interdisciplinary manner. Therefore, it will start with a review of the attributes of Geological and Palaeontological heritage as well as processes of geological formations. It will further continue with short presentation of the subjects of history, fieldworks techniques and connoisseurship on Geological and Palaeontological Heritage, as it has been formed from the past up to the present day. In addition, the course will focus on aspects of environmental hazards and conservation, management, display techniques and communication modes applied in geological exhibitions and monuments. The course is intended for those, who have a level of proficiency in the domain of museum or collection of geological heritage or in a broadly defined field of conservation and collection management. It will be also suitable for museum, conservation or geology students. The main body of the course will aim at acquainting the participants with a wide variety of topics, concerning management and exhibition of the above material as well as with proper terminology and methodology to be used in order to obtain the best practice. The four day course involves 7 hours of lectures daily. The fifth day is devoted to a practical session, thus conducting a palaeontological excavation. Also, during the last day, the geological museums and monuments of the area will be shown, in one day excursion, as well as case studies, which will address, in a practical manner, the theoretical discussions and will attempt to apply the knowledge and the conclusions of the given lectures. Tutor: Professor M. D. Dermitzakis, Vice-Rector of Financial Planning and Development. Professor of the Department of Geology at the University of Athens. Vice- Tutor: Professor G. Panagiaris, President of the Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art at the Technological Institution of Athens. Duration: 6 days (21 August 2006-26 August 2006) Location: Vrisa Lesvos Island, Greece Number of participants: up to 40 persons Contact details: Daphne Stamboliadi, E-mail: Tel.: 00302103689780 ProGEO: European Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage. ● Address: Box 670, SGU, SE-751 28 Uppsala, Sweden. ● Treasurer: Gunnel Ransed. ● Bank: SWEDBANK, SE-105 34 Stockholm, Sweden. Swiftcode: SWEDSESS. IBAN: SE81 8000 0838 1697 3296 5174. ● Membership subscription: personal: €25/yr., institutional: €150/yr. ● President: Dr. Francesco Zarlenga, ENEA Cr-Casaccia, Division CAT, Via Anguillarese, 301, 00060 Roma, Italy. ● Executive Secretary: W.A.P. Wimbledon, Postgraduate Research Institute for Sedimentology University of Reading, Whiteknights, READING RG6 6AB, United Kingdom. ProGEO NEWS - A ProGEO newsletter issued 4 times a year with information about ProGEO and its activities. Editor: Lars Erikstad, NINA, Box 736 Sentrum, N-0105 Oslo, Norway, Phone: + 47 73 80 17 08, Fax: +47 22 33 11 01, e-mail: Contributions preferred on diskette (Word- or ASCII-format) or by e-mail if possible.