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Головна » 2014 » Листопад » 15
World Parks Congress includes geoheritage for the first time For the first time ever, the World Parks Congress has included geoconservation issues in its programme in Sydney, Australia (12-19 november 2014). Until very recently, the values of geoheritage have largely been overlooked in protected areas management. However, during the first week of the Congress, IUCN's geoheritage team of specialist advisors has now clearly highlighted the wider values and importance of geoheritage for nature conservation and the benefits for society. ProGEO members Margaret Brocx, John Gordon, Vic Semeniuk and Enrique Díaz-Martínez have been actively involved in the process. All of them are giving presentations, presenting posters and leading sessions in order to promote geoheritage and ProGEO's objectives. Geoheritage represents the history of the Earth and the evolution of life recorded in its rocks and landforms. It includes iconic geological features and landscapes such as Uluru (Ayers Rock) in Au ... Читати далі »
Категорія: News | Переглядів: 1704 | Додав: Geoman | Дата: 15.11.2014 | Коментарі (0)

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